Parable of the Two Lost Sons and the Gracious Father

In the second half of Followers at Hayward Wesleyan Church in 2019, I had decided to interact with stories of Jesus found in the Gospels in order to teach and demonstrate how Jesus showed people what God, his Father, was like. I called the series:

According to Jesus, What is God Like?

For the first story, I picked the parable of the two lost sons and the gracious father. Most refer to this story, found in Luke 15:11-32, as the parable of the prodigal son, but I don’t like to call it that because that is only one-third of the story. The other two-thirds are about the lost heart of the elder brother and the gracious heart of the father.

Followers is divided into two groups: Junior Followers (Kindergarten, grades 1 and 2) and Followers (grades 3, 4 and 5). I taught the older students first.

Here is the audio teaching of the Followers (it contains the storytelling and the whiteboard review explanation through the story, that’s why this one is a little longer):

Here is the whiteboard drawing from Followers:

Here is the audio teaching of the Junior Followers (it contains just the storytelling portion, which is why this one is shorter):

Here is the whiteboard drawing from Junior Followers (only slightly different that the other one):